Name / Organisation |
Submission No. |
Andrew Simpson |
001 |
C Chan |
002 |
Fong Fong Fashion |
003 |
Hong Kong Information Technology Federation |
004 |
Hong Kong Institute of Chief Engineers |
005 |
Horace Cheng |
006 |
Joshua Suen |
007 |
Ma Wai Sum |
008 |
009 |
Television Broadcasts Limited |
010 |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
011 |
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited |
012 |
The Law Society of Hong Kong |
013 |
Tobacco Association of Hong Kong |
014 |
至德國際有限公司 |
015 |
建業五金塑膠廠有限公司 |
016 |
香港中小企經貿促進會 |
017 |
香港合成皮革暨金屬物料供應商商會 |
018 |
香港製刷業協會 |
019 |
香港鑄造業協會3 |
020 |
港九鹽業商會 |
021 |
翡翠藤器有限公司 |
022 |
Name / Organisation |
Andrew Simpson |
C Chan |
Fong Fong Fashion |
Hong Kong Information Technology Federation |
Hong Kong Institute of Chief Engineers |
Horace Cheng |
Joshua Suen |
Ma Wai Sum |
Television Broadcasts Limited |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited |
The Law Society of Hong Kong |
Tobacco Association of Hong Kong |
至德國際有限公司 |
建業五金塑膠廠有限公司 |
香港中小企經貿促進會 |
香港合成皮革暨金屬物料供應商商會 |
香港製刷業協會 |
香港鑄造業協會3 |
港九鹽業商會 |
翡翠藤器有限公司 |
Submission No. |
001 |
002 |
003 |
004 |
005 |
006 |
007 |
008 |
009 |
010 |
011 |
012 |
013 |
014 |
015 |
016 |
017 |
018 |
019 |
020 |
021 |
022 |
Name / Organisation |
Submission No. |
Last revision date:
30 November 2020